About Me

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Slightly disturbed, pretty friggin morbid and generally grouchy person. I have my good days and my bad... I run two blogs. My travelers blog covers life in SL and my generally cheery side of life. My ranters blog is generally me being pissed off or upset or just plain odd. So you can sample both sides of the pie or pick one.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Seems i have forgotten to write in the old blog here over the last month or so >.>

forgive me. Had alot of disturbing RL things to do. part of which involved me being sick. And work.

Mostly the sick thing. I'm over that and slowly starting to get myself better and back into the swing of life again. Regular updates coming soon ... since I'm learning to use my wacom >:)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm such a nerd!

A freaky nerd at that! But a nerd none the less...

So tonight I got hit in the head with a folder..of a nifty green groupy gift... from Dilly Dolls!
Seems Oriana has been busy as a squirrel prepping for winter! And remade and redid an old dress called Emilie and made it newer and more smexier! She's been honing her skills in the arts of sculpting and texturing sculpts ALOT! [usually I'm pestering her in the process XD]

So ya check this out..I'm not usually a fan of green but this is kinda cutsey sexy ... mm I'm gonna be late for school! Who cares, Imma rebel ! [and before she has a shit fit..it's MINT MINT MINT!! not freakin green >.<] ... looks green to me XD
The greyish shirt I'm wearing underneath doesn't come with the outfit, it's from Pig, it's called singsing T. The tie and collar are a group gift from Schadenfreude
The outfit Emilie comes with sexy tights [I ♥ these!] and garter. A sweet laced skirt. Sculpted corset and an undershirt. Also a mini tophat and a necklace [not shown]
The shoes are from a palce called Sparrowcat..no URL sorry folks! I got these shoes like 2 years ago around halloween..all I can tell you :P

Leave it up to Oriana to make me want to play dress up and take pictures ^.^ This outfit will be out and available in 8 colors or so... go buy it >:O

Other miscel credits-

Hair - Axel- House of Munster - may or may not be open when you read this
Bloody tape gloves- Roadkill- in the sim Vagabonds- No LM for it, got them ages ago, not sure if their up for sale still or not.
Ears- Gauged
Skin- Subscribo group gift from NightShade
Dragon tattoos- From Mynerva

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wheeeeeee..fucking technology

SO... fuck I hate technology. Took hours and hours of work, and i think my computer is finally working right. Trying over the next few days to get my stuff backed up that I want to keep. And working on a back up hard drive so this shit doesn't happen again. While I try to get things in order here.. and here... AND while I try to get ready something a little special for some upcoming things.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

I got the jinx I tell you

So I didn't post for the longest time. I have basically had the time from hell.

For anyone that knows, I went on vacation in RL... come back and work was shitty, hours got cut, business is down so people get sent home early and that means loss of money.. which means loss of income on SL as well.

Add into this my real computer is kaput and I am on a laptop which can handle all of like half hour or so on sl before it starts to overheat..well there went remaking ads for halloween until this gets fixed..again more lost income....

The market I poured hours into building, many many hours. And hours upon hours of writing up ads and playing in and out of groups with mods trying to advertise and teasing people in. Setting up in other markets to try to draw in business, start auctions and running ragged to other auctions to try to sell my bunnies and nests. More lsot income, or rather running in circles to try to avoid the inevitable...

In the end, today I started packing my bunnies. I did my sale bunnies first. Then most of my mutants. I have a few bunnies left out who are breeding. And when they give up a nest I will see if its worth attempting to bother to sell... and have a friend take it to auction for me since I can't go. [again, crappy laptop]. And then those bunnies too will go into the hibernation pile... in a folder, safe in my inventory because should I ever have money or the bunny market starts to revitalize a bit, I will be back.

In the process... I am opening up prims and the people who live with me, and their bunnies, will still have a space. And I might open up a bit to a few other private rentals. But for the most part, probably not too many. I will start construction on the halloween town I build every year and get no visitors to. I will build up my heart with halloween deco again. With luck I can get my black and orange harlequins out for halloween.

At this point I think I would settle for things to just go my way for once. Odd.. I don't usually get seasonal depression this time of year... too much piling on at once. Just waiting for the breakdown to crack again.

I decided to start a little blog of writings I do randomly..eventually I hope to post artwork here and little things I manage to do... http://shiftersramblings.blogspot.com/

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Caffeine! And a farewell to another blogger...

Yes I'm back ... and I know I was gone a while.Meet Julien, a hot tot that was given to me. He matches my outfit rather dashingly dontcha think?

Vacation, RL and trying to decide what to do with my bunnies. All things that impact my ability to think and write. Plus I'm a lazy bitch.

So it seems a blog I loved to follow is closing, The Chicken Diaries as read there, is closing it's blogging doors. Sad yes, they were my one huge source for all things breedable in SL. Kudos and thank you to the writers for all that they did. Even so far as to get my tushie inspired to breed my pets. Try out things like chickens [didn't last long] and well, watch my friends with turtles and cactuses.

They gave me a bit of a smile when I would see new posts and get to grab info on the latest and greatest [or lamest] breedables out there in SL. It gave me a chance to check out the variety of pets one can own. And sometimes gave me a giggle with their own sense of humors. Given the RL situations they have going on, I would have made the same decisions. And in fact they are better then me for sticking things out for so long. And I can only wish them the best in their life and hope things go for the sunshinier way for them. Granted I never knew them personally, but you feel like you knew them through the blog. Best of luck and life to them. Baxt.


On to a not so funny side of things. [or maybe hysterical..I'm not sure, caffeine isn't working yet]

I spend alot of times perusing the ozimals forums. Mostly from boredom while waiting for bunnies to breed. Or to try to put myself to sleep through bouts of insomnia.

I decided after seeing people bitch and gripe that I should post. But first I had to make my own game plan. A few weeks back i decided what I wanted. Mutant siblings who will give mutants. [Hopefully] So I started hibernating sibling pairs, and putting their mutant offspring on level one pet food. Which means no breeding! So no more gens lost and no weird nests that are kinda off the wall.

This will also save me tons of money. As I am no longer feeding non mutants. I kept out about 15 breeding pairs. Mostly to weedle them down in gens. As they all have about 7 or so gens left. As each pair hits elder I wil unhibernate one set of sibs from inventory.

Seems like a game plan. And it actually is working. I put up my non mutant siblings for sale. Sold a few to recoup what I spent at auction [yes I am still buying a bunny or two outside my own now and again for flavor! ] and my plan was working. Awesome. Now to post... which I did and you can read here..

Was a great write up I think. One of my better ones. Now what do I do.. I plan an auction..and wait for a few more nests. All the while RL tries to yank me away. School is starting soon [not for me, I'm too old XD] but that and work... and bunnies. Always bunnies. And fashions! I am going to start selling jewelry again. Yay me !

On that note I need more coffee.

Also... Lalani has nice tits that I am excited about.


Friday, August 6, 2010


Yes yes things are slow for me in the Sl world.

Ozimals got another update.

Oriana was poking me in the ear to help her toy with projects for hunts.

And I did get involved in a hunt a little bit for hunting free cool things and finding neat new shops.

Mostly I have been sick [had the flu for a week] and working [need RL moneys] and prepping for my vacation next week \o/

Try to get a post up before i leave. No promises.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The mutant parade

Ok so today i decided to show off ALL my mutant babies! This is Doc and beastmaster...Sister mutants.
This is Zero with his sister , Beans[shes a non mutant but too cute to let go!]
Everyone knows Jaws! My first real mutant and no sibling ..yet anyway !
This is Herbie! He's another of my boys!
Meet Robocop [again!] and his little brother Predator! Predator is the little glowy one. That upright ear is a creme de argent ear [or so we think]
That would be all 7 of my babies! I am considering putting them all on level one food just so I can keep them as pets only. [no sense in breeding non siblings now eh XD]